Play 44 Brazilian music percussion instruments with your cell phone or tablet! Plug your phone in a speaker and start jamming.
Beat simulates Brazilian instruments with exclusive high quality professionally recorded audio. Learn to play with unique Brazilian rhythms or play along with your favorite songs. Beat! is for fun, for music education and for live gigs, for all ages with or without prior musical knowledge.
Beat's priority is to guarantee professional and high quality sounds so you can use the app even for a studio recording. If you need a higher volume we recommend the use of headphones or external amplifiers.
- 44 Brazilian music percussion instruments
- Exclusive high quality audio recorded in professional studio
- Realistic instruments: multiple sounds for each instrument
- Unique ergonomic pads to play like a game
- Real instrument experience: unique playing zones
- Smart dynamics: louder in the center
- 100 Brazilian rhythms to learn how to play each instrument
- Quick instrument selection by ensemble organization
- Detailed info about the playing zones in the real instruments
Music Experience wherever you go.
Agogo - Alfaia - Berimbau - Bongo - Caixa - Cajon - Castanets
Carimbo tambor - conga - Congada tamborim - Crivador
Cuica - Cymbals - Djembe - Ganza - Le - Leather pandeiro
Matraca - Meiao - Moringa - Patangome - Plastic pandeiro
Plate-and-knife - Quinjengue - Rebolo - Bamboo reco-reco
Metal reco-reco - Rain stick - Repique - Rufador - Rum - Rumpi
Seeds - Shekere - Snare drum - Surdo - Surdo trio - Tambor
Tamborim - Timbau - Triangle - Whistle - Zabumba
(Rhythms adapted for multiple instruments)
Arrocha - Baiao - Batuque - Bolero - Capoeira - Choro - Classic Rock
Coco - Congada - Frevo - Hip hop - Ijexa - Maracatu - Marcha
Marcha-rancho - Partido Alto - Samba - Samba-reggae
Tambor - Xaxado - Xote
* some features require in-app purchases.